Session 8:
While cleaning my room, I found the results to a Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator assessment I took several semesters ago. It indicated that I am an ISTJ. It’s right on the dot, in my opinion, as the
profile of an ISTJ fits mine perfectly. Finally,
an explanation as to why I react and feel the way I do towards a lot of things
in life.
As an ISTJ, breaking laws or going against the rules would
make me feel uneasy. This is absolutely
true. I follow rules and avoid breaking
any laws, though there has been a handful of moments when I’ve unintentionally broken
a few traffic laws. Also, I am a firm believer
in karma, committing bad deeds will come back ten times worse!
ISTJs often take things too seriously and have an offbeat type
of personality, and so do I. That would explain why my
friends have referred to me as the cemetery of all jokes…where all jokes come
to die, which I do not agree with completely. Believe
it or not, but I’m not always a joke-killer.
I am easily amused and can be pretty funny, though it takes me a while to feel comfortable
enough to be myself.
Like the typical ISTJ person, I have always been a methodological
person. I follow closely to the
procedures of every task, which made me pretty good with lab work during my
days of studying biology. I’ve found
that I perform at highest efficiency when employing a step-by-step
approach. I have never been the type of girl that takes
a lot of risks or involve myself in dangerous activities, such as skydiving. Instead, I am quite fond of the feeling of safety of having my feet
planted on solid ground. I am also a chronic list-maker, and will make them for
everything: packing, grocery shopping, to-do list for the day, etc. I plan out my entire day while brushing my
teeth in the morning, mentally listing out all the errands I have to run or things to do for
the day. I try to plan out
every step I take in life, so that I am able to make the right choices in order to acheive my goals. After
29 years of life, I have come to the conclusion that regardless of how hard I fight, life is full of detours. Like other ISTJs, inconsistencies and plan detours frustrate
me, but I’m learning how to deal with them.
I am an ISTJ and I am a planner.
This past week, we discussed the value of planning. Work environments and
project plans, like life, are continuously changing, but that does not make planning a
useless endeavor. Business decisions
should be made based on initial plans, where routes are pre-determined to unveil
options. To proceed without initial
planning is to set a team up for failure, as it will put them at a disadvantage in their decision-making
process. I am a firm believer in thorough
planning, as it is the force that will drive a team towards success.