Monday, March 12, 2012

How Will Our Actions of Today Affect Tomorrow?

Session 7:

I am an avid recycler.  I am one of those people who rinses out my milk carton before throwing it into the recycling bin, recycle every newspaper and magazine I no longer want to keep, and will bring home my day’s worth of plastic water bottles if work does not have an active recycling program.  Anything that has a picture of arrows running in a triangular formation gets thrown into the recycling bin without a second thought.  I may come off as a hoarder, but before discovering the battery recycling dispenser in the mailroom at work, I managed to save an entire ziplock bag of batteries because I couldn’t figure out how to properly dispose of them.  I make the extra effort to reduce my carbon footprint on this earth so that those who live longer than I will not have to suffer due to my laziness.  I am a tree hugger.

For years, many U.S. businesses have resorted to offshore outsourcing for cheaper labor.  Those looking at the situation from a business standpoint will consider this a win-win tradeoff, as U.S. businesses save money on labor and foreign countries benefit with the much needed job opportunities.  Though it may seem beneficial to both parties today, how will it affect us in the long run?  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion when comes to offshore outsourcing.

Let’s consider the iPhone4 as an example.  When the new iPhone4 flew off the shelves at Apple stores and half of America had to wait months for future shipments, where did the tracking information state your phone was being shipped from?  China.  I just checked my keyboard, that’s made in China also.  I’m willing to bet that the monitor or laptop you’re reading my blog from is either made in China or another foreign country.  Is anything made in the United States anymore??  Oh yes, domestic cars.  I’m a proud Toyota driver and I am willing to bet that you don’t drive a domestic car either.  The point of the matter is that I do not believe that offshore outsourcing is a good idea in the long run.

Offshore outsourcing may seem beneficial to us today and may not hurt us tomorrow either, but how will it affect us 15 years from now?  As our dependency on foreign countries increases to provide us with cheaper labor and technical assistance, it will weaken us as a whole as we will lose the capability to provide such services on our own.  Foreign nations have grown more aggressive in strengthening their technical skills, while many Americans are more focused on the media and keeping up to date on who Kim Kardashian is dating at the current moment.  Isn’t anyone concerned about the idea that one day these foreign countries will surpass the U.S.?
Oscar asks, "why aren't you recycling??"

P.S. Does anyone know how to properly dispose a battery operated toothbrush??

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